
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Children of Christie Brinkley Don't Need This

Divorce is difficult. It is hard on the couple, and more importantly, extremely hard on the children. However, when you drag your difficulties into the public limelight, you only make it worse for the kids that are trying to cope with the hardship of divorce. Christie Brinkley and her ex-husband Peter Cook, are doing exactly this and it should stop.

Look, I can understand that there is bad blood between the two; however, I cannot accept that you have any reason to air your problems on national TV. First Christie appears on television, crying about the problems that this divorce have caused, then Peter makes an appearance to refute things that she said, and disqualifying her tears as heartfelt. You both realize that your kids watch this stuff, right? Why in the world would you want your dirty laundry aired this way? It is one thing when it is aired for you by the media, but when you make it a point to go out and share it, you are being foolish.

The media has a long standing reputation for making the lives of celebrities miserable. At the very least, they make it hard to have any kind of private life as a celebrity. This is expected when you become famous, though it does not make it acceptable. Maybe Christie and Peter should just let the media do their thing without giving them more fuel for the fire. It is the kids that will be dealing with the brunt of all this attention, and get stuck in the middle of a fight between spouses. I think they have other things more important to worry about, like school and trying to grow up well-adjusted.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Gallagher is Funny With or Without Props

Less than two weeks after receiving treatment for a heart attack, Gallagher has suffered a second attack. The current scare is enough for Gallagher to halt his final shows, possibly picking certain shows to attend. It was sad to hear that he was retiring in the first place, but to have his heart force him to not finish his way, is a greater shame. The question in my mind is whether or not fans would appreciate his comedy without the need for the sledgehammer antics that have individualized Gallagher for decades.

32 years is a long time to be on the road putting on a show of Gallagher's magnitude. The Sledge-O-Matic bit has been instrumental in making Gallagher a household name throughout America. While it may seem to only appeal to a select class of audience, you can usually find mass appeal for the humor and outrageous behavior of the entire bit. However, Gallagher's humorous anecdotes and braided take on society have given a glimpse into comedy genius. His entire act is akin to watching two different shows by two different comedians.

I think I could sit and listen to Gallagher go on about any topic that he adds his unique style and spin too. I do not think I am alone either. I have seen and enjoyed the Sledge-O-Matic for years; however, if it were no longer present, I could get along just fine. I realize that there would be a few die-hard fans out their that would boycott Gallagher for dropping it; however, I assume that many of those sleep through the first part of the show anyway. Here's to hoping Gallagher and his heart can find some sort of compromise that could let him continue to enlighten us with his brilliant humor.

Is Tiger Finally Out of the Woods?

When you look at a phenom like Tiger Woods, you have to wonder what could ever drop him from the top of his game. Since his scandal in 2009, Woods has struggled to balance the mistakes he made with the winner he had always managed to be. Finding that balance seemed near impossible; however, after his latest win at the Arnold Palmer Invitational, Tiger has possibly put his transgressions behind him and rediscovered the drive that makes him great.

It is easy to assume that a meteoric rise to greatness in the world of golf, could make anyone feel indestructible. Easy to assume that you are unbeatable and the world cannot throw anything at you, that you could not easily handle. However, Tiger found that the world can indeed deal even the greatest a blow that could leave him dazed and confused for an indeterminate amount of time. Tiger spent many months reeling from the repeated media abuse and scandal that rocked his world, family and career. Fortunately, the thing that makes a great athlete great, is what is buried inside.

Tiger Woods seems to have rekindled the spark that burns within. He has shown confidence from this win and expressed his excitement for the momentum it is creating. Can he return to dominance within the sport? Only Tiger can answer that question when next he steps on the links. Some things are for sure though, Tiger Woods knows how to move forward, how to compete with the best and how to win. If this is any indication of the future, it will definitely be filled with much more Tiger.

Anticipation for The Hunger Games Pays Off

Three books written by Suzanne Collins have taken readers by storm. The Hunger Games trilogy does a great job of exploring the human spirit, the drive to survive and the fight to overcome oppression. However, what the books were able to do in our minds with their descriptive storytelling, is now being brought to life on the big screen, to impressive reviews.

Writing a great book or series, takes talent. Making a great movie also takes talent. However, taking a great book and translating it into visual media, takes a director with not only talent, but vision as well. As readers sit furtively in their chairs, locked in the story, they can feel the adrenaline pumping, hear the thunder pealing, feel the warmth of breath on the back of their neck and thrill at the fear that is generated. Fortunately, Gary Ross, director and co-screenwriter of The Hunger Games, is able to translate these sensations to the big screen.

The Hunger Games opened to large crowds, eager to watch as Katniss Everdeen faces her greatest fears, learns to adapt and fights to survive in a world, designed to destroy her. With the third strongest opening in movie history, The Hunger Games trilogy is poised to set records with its popularity. The opening success of this first of at least three movies, almost guarantees that this story will continue to grow in the movies, and allow readers to truly see the fantasy come to life. I have great hope for the continued success of this franchise.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pat Robertson Rushes the Field

Are we really giving Pat Robertson all this publicity because he says something inane on television? Is it any more inane than anything else he rolls out? Perhaps it isn't Robertson who is making the inane popular, but the media. All I see is a simple comment being blown way out of proportion. Let's not give this whole statement more credit than it is due.

Look, for all intents and purposes, Robertson is a pious man. I don't feel his position on various sports issues has anything to do with religion, nor should it make an appearance on his faith-based show. I don't remember any biblical text expounding on the virtues of religiously motivated sports figures, nor do I remember Jesus looking for tickets on the fifty yard line. However, taking what Robertson said and twisting it into some plea to God for vengeance upon the Broncos, is ludicrous.

The media loves hype. When they can take a ball and run with it, they do. Granted, most media sources wind up falling short of the goal line by a yard or two; however, spinning trivial banter into holy, terroristic prophecy doesn't help the team. Trades happen all the time in professional sports, and most fans are going to have an opinion; no matter where they may decide to share it. However, there must also be a grain of salt taken with any die-hard fans' comments. It wasn't like Robertson said anyone should be hurt, he was just trying to impart: “God'll getcha for that!”

Gallagher No Longer Performing on Stage

When a legendary performer like Gallagher decides to step down and retire, it is a sad day for comedy lovers everywhere; not to mention fans of watermelon. Gallagher has been doing comedy for 32 years, which is just about the same amount of time I have been loving comedy. I remember seeing Gallagher as a teen and wondering how could this lunatic get away with the things he did.

Most people associate Gallagher with his sledgehammer antics and food spraying expertise; however, Leo Anthony Gallagher has a take on life, politics and society, that is not only irreverent, but eerily perceptive. When I would hear Gallagher tackle political or socioeconomic topics, it would make my heart race, because it was like he was reading my mind and adding it to his material, then expounding on it at an exponential rate. The man is a comedy genius.

The recent medical concerns for Gallagher play a large role in his move to retirement. Heart problems are no laughing matter, though I am sure he already has a good 20 minutes of material built around the whole episode, and a follow-up bit about the hospital stay. Even during a medically induced coma, his brain was probably processing comedy data.

Gallagher is an iconic comedian, who has spanned over 3 decades with his uproarious humor and splatter antics. He will be continue to be loved by millions, and his comedy shows will be missed by millions more. Enjoy your retirement Gallagher, but do consider doing an infomercial for the Sledge-O-Matic!

Erika Van Pelt: The Song Should Have Remained The Same

Erika Van Pelt is a good singer. She may even be radio worthy, though I could see her as a lounge singer in a Vegas jazz club more so. I have watched her on American Idol and found her to be somewhat entertaining, and she had a great visual appeal; had being the operative word. Erika Van Pelt walked away from American Idol being a victim of taking too much advice.

Look, you cannot be a contestant on American Idol and not have some sort of image transformation, for the most part. But just because Tommy Hilfiger comes on the show to offer image tips, that doesn't mean he is always right, or that his advice should be taken to the extreme. This is what caused the demise of Erika.

On a contest like American Idol, the public perception starts from the auditions, and waxes or wanes accordingly. Erika had created a persona that her fans had come to associate with her and her talent. Suddenly she makes a drastic, whole-image altering change and her fan base is left scratching their heads. Sure she came out and had a great performance; however, judgments were made as soon as the spotlight came on.

Most of these contestants may not realize that they are dealing with, primarily, a static fan base. If you make a major change to your look, those that disapprove are moving on before the first note clears the stage. Tweak the image as you progress in the competition, as your talent and popularity grows. Don't drop a bombshell on your fans that will leave them voting for DeAndre.